Thursday, January 8, 2015

Chocolate Lava Cake

Original recipe referring from here.

As I have bought cooking chocolate which is sweet, so modified a bit from the original recipe - sugar is reduced and cocoa powder is added to add thicker chocolate taste and not so sweet.

My Modified Version

Cooking Chocolate 200 g
4 tablespoon cocoa powder
Butter 150 g
Icing Sugar 50 g
Egg 3
Egg Yolks 2
Flour 50g

1. Dark chocolate & butter melt in microwave oven for 2 minutes. Add in cocoa powder and stir evenly. Put aside to let it cool.
2. Using machine to whisk eggs, egg yolks & icing sugar until thick & pale.
3. Gradually fold in the chocolate mixture.
4. Sift & fold in the flour.
5. Grease & flour the ramekin with cocoa powder. Fill them 80% full with the batter & bake at 180 degree for 10 mins.
6. Turn the pudding out & dust with icing sugar. Serve warm with ice-cream.

Serving: 5 medium size ramekin or 14 cupcakes

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