Thursday, January 8, 2015

Waffle (cookie type)

Original recipe referring from here (chinese)

After made and find out the texture is cookie type waffle that similar to Latte Mei's waffle.

Modified Recipe
Low protein flour 低筋面粉 120g
High protein flour 高筋面粉 65g
Castor sugar 幼砂糖 2-4 tbsp as desire
Dry yeast 干酵母 1/2 tsp
Butter 牛油(黄油) 100g
Milk 牛奶 50g
Egg 鸡蛋 1



3)分割 8 份。用平底锅或是华夫模型,加热到金黄色。

Chocolate Lava Cake

Original recipe referring from here.

As I have bought cooking chocolate which is sweet, so modified a bit from the original recipe - sugar is reduced and cocoa powder is added to add thicker chocolate taste and not so sweet.

My Modified Version

Cooking Chocolate 200 g
4 tablespoon cocoa powder
Butter 150 g
Icing Sugar 50 g
Egg 3
Egg Yolks 2
Flour 50g

1. Dark chocolate & butter melt in microwave oven for 2 minutes. Add in cocoa powder and stir evenly. Put aside to let it cool.
2. Using machine to whisk eggs, egg yolks & icing sugar until thick & pale.
3. Gradually fold in the chocolate mixture.
4. Sift & fold in the flour.
5. Grease & flour the ramekin with cocoa powder. Fill them 80% full with the batter & bake at 180 degree for 10 mins.
6. Turn the pudding out & dust with icing sugar. Serve warm with ice-cream.

Serving: 5 medium size ramekin or 14 cupcakes