Sunday, January 13, 2013

Four Season Spa (KL Renaissance Hotel)

62% Off - RM68 for 5 Hrs of Unlimited Spa Usage + 45 Min of Full Body Massage OR Foot Massage + Unlimited Orders of A La Carte For Food & Beverages (Originally RM178.08)
It is not the 1st time they offering promo voucher, the period I bought total 834 vouchers are sold...OMG
I am really looking forward for the massage as I have not massage for 6 months since I left Penang and back to KL.

The last time I had my massage was in Hat Yai, massage for 2 days continuously, haha.
This is a 3 gemini girls outing and we had few challenges before entering the spa section. However I am not going to talk about that and only give review after entering into the spa section.

12pm - a Vietnamese receptionist that able to speak English and Malay guide us to the locker section, each of us got a wrist-key, disposable panty, orange strips shirt and short pants. After the change, we walk thru few doors, pass by the TV and dining section, to the massage rooms section. Each of us was arranged in separate massage room. It tooks few minutes for the masseur to come.
The masseur are china ladies. I google some info before and read a comment mention the masseur is not good and ask for tips after massage.
For our experience, 3 of us are very satisfied and enjoy after the 1 hour massage. They have very strong-pressure, sometimes it was really painful, but we still like it and really feel the muscle relieved.

When the massage end, the masseur pass me a small form ask me to sign. There is a tips field, I fill in RM10 and if I did not heard wrongly from my masseur, the tips need to pay when leaving at the reception. (But at the end, we just walk out and did not pay the tips as no one asking for that :p)
2pm - I was so hungry. We sit in the dining area, check out the menu to order food and drink, small glass of water was served. As I google the menu before, so I did not have high-expectation on their menu and food. We order fried maggie goreng, fried beehoon, milo and barley drink.

2.45pm - after eating and some chit chat, we went for jacuzzi (warm water). It is quite small, and just fit for 3 - 4 person.

Another photo from online, i think this one is jacuzzi in Male's room.
Then we keep hopping in and out between sauna, steam room, jacuzzi and cold shower...haha.

After that, I really feel my skin detoxed and clean, looks so much smoother. The goose bumps like dot on my neck and shoulder for quite some time are all gone. Looks like I really need to sweat more.

Friday, January 4, 2013


原本咳嗽都不爱看医生,因为不信任西药,吃了爱睡也还没痊愈,就试过咳嗽了两三个月都不好。终于肯做出新尝试,找出了以下可以纾解的方法,大概 1-3 星期就可以痊愈了。现在才明白为什么有润喉糖的出现,甜的东西或蜜糖有滋润的效果,可以减少对咽喉的伤害和负担:
  1. 睡前吃一汤匙蜜糖
  2. 一有不适就吃颗润喉糖,但一天不吃多于 6 颗
  3. 喉咙痛 - 吃两颗海鸥康堡清补灵消热气
在 KL 工作后竟然每个月都伤风喉咙痛一次,通常就会紧接着演变成咳嗽了,这三种病果真是不离不弃的好朋友。


  1. 睡眠品质差
  2. 办公室冷气太冷(有备微波炉暖包和毛毯)
  3. 常穿裙子就少了穿袜子和包鞋
  4. 早上没有自备水果
  5. 午餐少吃蔬菜
  6. 年纪大了